Family members and fans can view play updates, stats, scores, and more via the live GameStream. Please note that the GameStream does not include live video streaming. To see how to view a live video stream, take a look here.
Our animated field view of the game is free for all users.
With a Plus or Premium subscription, you can access the following GameStream features:
- GameStream Radio: an audio broadcast of the game
- Live play-by-play
- Box Score
- Recap Story
Access the GameStream
1. Once Team Staff start scoring the game, tap the Game Start notification that you are sent
2. Click on the Live Game Notification at the top of the home screen.
3. Go to your team's Schedule tab or the full Events calendar.
Note: To view the GameStream for teams you do not follow, search for the team in the app's team search, select Schedule, and select a live game to start watching.