Family, players, and fans can now view all of the game content they love from the GameStream, within the Live Stream.
Within your baseball and softball Live Streams and Video Archives, you can now view the:
- Play-by-Play
- Box Score
- Scoreboard
- Plays Announcer - an audio broadcast of the Play-by-Play
Within your basketball, live streams, and Video Archives, you can now view the:
- Play-by-Play
- Scoreboard
Within your football, soccer, hockey, field hockey, rugby, and lacrosse live streams and Video Archives, you can now view the:
- Scoreboard
Instead of flipping between the Live Stream and the GameStream, you can now have all of the information you need on one screen at the touch of a button. After the game, you can recap with the game context necessary to enjoy every goal, basket, and home run.
Access Game Content from the Live Stream
1. When your event has the red live tile with the white camera symbol, the stream is live. Enter the event through the event tab schedule or the team tile schedule.
2. Verify that scorekeeping and streaming are happening in parallel. For all sports, you should see a video tab if a stream is live.
3. Use the video tab to access the live stream.
4. Within the live stream, you should see the following game content:
- Baseball/ softball: scoreboard, plays, box score, audio controls/ plays announcer
- Basketball: scoreboard, plays
- Football, soccer, hockey, field hockey, rugby, and lacrosse: scoreboard
5. As the game is streamed and scored, you will see the plays, box score, and scoreboard update in time with the game (Baseball/ softball). For baseball/softball, you will also hear the plays announcer if the toggle is on.
Access Game Content from the Archive
1. When your event has a grey camera symbol, an archived video is available. Enter the event through the event tab schedule or the team tile schedule.
2. If scorekeeping occurred during the event, the tabs available during the live stream will be available for post-game review.
3. Use the video tab to access the archived asset.
4. Within the archived asset, you should see the following game context:
- Baseball/ softball: scoreboard, plays, box score, audio controls/ play announcer
- Basketball: scoreboard, plays
- Football, soccer, hockey, field hockey, rugby, and lacrosse: scoreboard
5. You can scrub to any part of the archive and the game context should update in time with the position in the archive. Find your favorite plays based on the plays list and the box score!