GameChanger now allows confirmed Family members, Players as well as Staff to broadcast live games for all sports.
With Broadcasting Permissions set to Confirmed Members, Family and Players will have access to the Go Live button on all of your team's games. This will allow a team parent or reserve player to serve as your team's live broadcaster without being added as Staff. Teams will still only be able go live once per event at a time and Staff will still be able to end live broadcasts.
To manage this setting for your team:
- Go to your "Team Settings" page by tapping the gear in the right-hand corner of your app.
- Tap Broadcasting Permissions.
- Choose between Confirmed Members (default) or Only Staff.
Team Staff will have full access to the archived videos and can delete them as necessary. Family and Players will still require a Plus subscription to access GameStream play-by-play and box scores, and a Premium subscription to access season stats and video archives.