Users can now edit video clips on their player profile to shorten, lengthen, or adjust the clip to precisely capture the play.
How Video Clip Editing Works
The accuracy of Automatic Video Clips is reliant on a strong video stream as well as accurate, real-time scorekeeping. Due to the different dependencies, there are certain scenarios where the resulting clip that is generated might need some refining. For example:
- The clip captures the play but you want to trim down the length of the clip to be more succinct.
- The clip captures the play but you want to expand the length of the clip to include more of the before/after.
- The clip captures some of the play, but not all of it, so you want to adjust the segment of video captured.
- The clip captures the wrong play/player, so you want to adjust the segment of the video captured to capture the correct play/player.
In scenarios like these, we recommend editing your clip.
Edit Video Clips
1. Visit the player page within the team your player is on.
2. Tap on your desired clip to watch.
3. In the bottom right corner of the clip player, tap on the white Edit Clip button.
4. To adjust the duration of the clip, use the blue handles to adjust the start and stop points.
5. To adjust the video segment, scroll through the thumbnails to find the correct portion of video.
6. Tap Save to update the clip.
- Clips have a minimum length of 5 seconds and a maximum length of 90 seconds.
- To edit a clip the user must be:
- Staff
- Player
- Confirmed family of the player